Joni Goodman
Legacy Board Member
For more than 30 years, Joni has worked tirelessly on behalf of children in our community and throughout the state of Florida. As the former Executive Director of the Guardian Ad Litem Program of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court and a Regional Director with the Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Program, Joni has served on numerous local and statewide task forces and work groups addressing children’s needs and the public policies that affect them. As Director of the Florida Bar Commission for Children, Joni engaged in a year-long effort to enhance legislation and attorney participation in children’s issues. Her expertise led to her appointment by Governor Jeb Bush to a gubernatorial advisory body designed to make recommendations regarding the State of Florida Guardian Ad Litem Program. Joni served as a member of the United Way committee that formed Florida Foster Care Review and was a founding board member. She also served a second term on the board from 2011-2013, during which she chaired the Program Committee.
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