FFCR with Florida Youth SHINE at Children’s Week
From January 21 through 23, Marissa Leichter, FFCR’s Citizen Review Panel Program Manager, attended Florida’s Children’s Week in Tallahassee with youth and young adults from Florida Youth SHINE (Striving High for Independence and Empowerment) (FYS). Children’s Week is a comprehensive child advocacy event that brings together thousands of children, families, policymakers and community leaders for a series of events and programming to address the issues impacting Florida’s children. Marissa has served as one of the adult mentors for Youth SHINE’s Miami Chapter for more than 4 years.
Gathering with members from other Florida FYS chapters, the youth participated in breakout sessions led by their peers who serve on FYS’ board and adult mentors to prepare for their meetings with legislators at the State Capitol. During these meetings, the youth shared their personal stories and experiences in foster care and advocated for the thousands of children in Florida’s child welfare system.
Florida Youth SHINE members also had the opportunity to meet with government officials such as Zackary Gibson, Director and Chief Child Advocate at the Executive Office of the Governor; and Alan Abramowitz, Executive Director of the Statewide Guardian Ad Litem program. They discussed important topics in child welfare such as independent living, education and the current obstacles foster youth face.
FFCR is proud to support the youth involved with Florida Youth SHINE! If you know of a youth or young adult ages 13-24 who would be interested in becoming a member of FYS, please contact FYS Miami Chapter adult mentors Marissa Leichter at mleicter@fostercarereview.org or Robert Latham at rlatham@law.miami.edu.
- Marissa Leichter, FFCR CRP Program Manager with Zachary Gibson, Director and Chief Child Advocate at the Executive Office of the Governor.
- Florida Youth SHINE members and mentors on their way to Capitol.
- The Hanging of the Hands on display through February 21 has been a Children’s Week tradition since 2005. Each set of hands represents a child impacted by the policy decision of legislators and serves as a reminder to advocates of every youth touched by the child welfare system.
- Alan Abramowitz, Statewide Executive Director of the Guardian Ad Litem Program speaking with members of Florida Youth SHINE.
- Florida Youth SHINE members and mentors following their meeting with Rep. Cynthia A. Stafford.
- Marissa Leichter, FFFCR CRP Program Manager with Rep. Nicholas Duran, Board Member of The Children’s Trust (TCT); Donovan Lee-Sin, TCT Director of Public Policy; Florida Youth SHINE member Kelley; Laurie Weiss Nuell, TCT Board Chair; Florida Youth SHINE member Ke-ana; and Nelson Hincapie CEO of Voices for Children.
- Florida Youth SHINE members gather on the steps of the Florida State Capitol building.