Spotlight: Bilzin Sumberg’s Post-Irma Relief Efforts

This month Florida Foster Care Review would like to recognize the law firm Bilzin Sumberg for their post-Hurricane Irma efforts. Spearheaded by Citizen Review Panel volunteer and firm attorney Desiree Fernandez, Bilzin Sumberg collected and donated much-needed supplies for young adults ages 18-21 served by OurKids’ Transitional Youth Services and Education departments.

As a Citizen Review Panel volunteer, Desiree has participated in the review hearings of young adults in extended foster care and was concerned that they would be facing challenges obtaining essential items following the storm. Desiree, along with FFCR board member and firm CEO, Michelle Weber, coordinated Bilzin Sumberg´s collection efforts for personal care and hygiene items for the young adults. The firm’s generous attorneys, staff, and leadership collected seven boxes of donations, including Walmart gift cards. The firm also provided a monetary donation to be used to purchase items for the young people.

FFCR is grateful to Bilzin Sumberg for their dedication to children, youth and young adults in foster care and for their many years of financial and in-kind support of Florida Foster Care Review.